
Craft YOUR perfect COLD COFFEE

Summer is upon us – and the heat brings with it a thirst for your old faithful – a refreshing cup of Cold Coffee. But each time you order one, it somehow tastes different – too sweet, too strong, too milky, not thick enough…the list goes on. Read on as Cohoma Coffee deconstructs how to make the perfect cup of Cold Coffee, each time!

  1. Picking the Right Coffee: For a rich, full-bodied cold coffee pick a medium to dark roast. These deliver a thicker mouthfeel with lower acidity, bringing out a strong, clean coffee taste in your cold coffee. We recommend Cohoma’s Custom Roast or Intense, fresh roasted every day. If you’re worried about consuming caffeine late evening, use our Colombian Decaf which has 0% caffeine! You can brew a great espresso shot for your cold coffee if you have a machine, else opt for Cohoma’s reusable PureBrew Filter TM . Just fit on any cup, add 2 tablespoons of coffee, and pour hot water through it, to get a fresh brew in <1 minute. You can also make great cold coffee with Cohoma’s ready-to-drink Cold Brews – more on that below!
  2. The Right Milk is key: Ever found your cold coffee too watered down or thin as you sip? Chances are that the milk has a role to play. Whole or full-cream milk certainly adds more thickness and a creamy mouthfeel to your coffee (the more fat in the milk, the richer/creamier it tastes). If you’re craving a thick, sinful glass, you can also make a ‘milk mix’ that adds that extra richness to your cold coffee. Substitute milk with:
    • Sweetened Milk: Mix condensed milk with steamed/hot milk in a 4:10 ratio (40 ml of condensed milk and 100 ml of steamed milk). Chill this mixture and keep it in the fridge (lasts for 48 hours)
    • Cream & Milk: One part of cream to 3 parts milk for a thick, velvety body
    • Ice Cream: Add a scoop (~60 grams) to the milk before blending

Note: Want to skip Dairy? Oat milk and Almond milk are popular options for making cold coffee. While both have strong flavours of their own, a fresh-brewed medium-dark roast coffee would allow the coffee taste to still shine through. Almond milks specially crafted to texture and blend better with coffees are also available.

  1. Sugar and Ice: For a typical glass, add ~5-8g (1 heaped tablespoon) of sugar. You can skip (or reduce) this if you’re using sweetened milk or ice cream, since they are already sweet. Use jaggery powder, if you’d like to skip white sugar. We recommend 5-6 ice cubes (~half cup) to ensure the coffee is cold, yet not too watered down. [Pro Tip: if you sip your coffee slowly and struggle with it getting watered down over time, make ice cubes with black coffee or better still cold brew instead of water! As the ‘black ice’ melts slowly, it releases coffee into your drink making it bolder as you sip
  2. Getting Fancy: For a twist, use Cohoma’s naturally flavoured coffees instead of plain ones – select from French Vanilla, Cinnamon Hazelnut, or Organic Peppermint! As a garnish, you can add some chocolate chips or whipped cream after brewing! (Whipped cream guns are easily available online.)

Bringing it together: First pour ~150-180 ml of cold milk or milk mix into a blender. Add ~40-50 ml of espresso or ~70 ml if you’re using a PureBrew Filter. Add ice and sugar. Blend for 30-40 seconds or until you get a consistent, creamy beverage. A quality blender is key to making a consistent and creamy cold coffee. (If you’re making this at home, the BlendJet is a great option.)

TRY COLD BREWS: A smooth, less bitter, coffee-drinking experience!

Made by steeping freshly-roasted and ground coffee in cold water overnight, Cohoma’s cold brews offer a thick, full-bodied, yet smoother and less-bitter drinking experience. We offer the largest range of cold brews available in plain, naturally flavored, and decaf (0% caffeine) options. All ready-to-drink!

To make cold coffee using cold brew, substitute the hot coffee above with cold brew – mix ~150 ml of cold brew with ~50 ml of milk (or milk mix), blend and serve as above. Alternatively, you can simply pour cold brew on the rocks, add cold milk and a sweetener and enjoy a latte-style cold coffee in 1 minute!

A great cup of coffee can transport you to a better place. Come join our community on Instagram or sign up for great recipes, new coffees, and much more. Whether you’re starting out or already a connoisseur, text us with any questions at 9654392165 and we’ll help you curate your perfect coffee experience!

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